NetLink ONU Configuration at for Voice & Internet

 Login to for configuration of Netlink ONU for BSNL Fiber to Home service to access voice and internet facilities, Add security, and enable Wi-Fi in the configuration of the Netlink Optical network unit (ONU) to connect to the world with high wireless internet…

NetLink ONU Configuration

Let’s have a look at the detailed step-by-step modem configuration process of Netlink Wi-Fi ONT / ONU (Optical Network Unit) to enable voice and internet facilities, connected GPON BSNL OLT (Optical Line Terminal) providing upstream and downstream data speed at the same level accordingly as per the subscribed BSNL broadband plan.

Follow the steps to configure Netlink ONU for any ISP providing Fiber net connection using OLT, Here we are providing BSNL FTTH network configuration in GPON optical modem

Also Read: syRotech ONT Configuration for Fiber (FTTH) Voice & Internet

1. log in to Netlink ONU in any browser with

2. Enter username and password

    The username is admin and the default password is stdONU101

3. Go to Management > Device Management > Restore default > Restore Factory Default

4. Click Network > Internet > Delete

5. Check Status > Wan Connection info >

    WAN info status enabled means you are ready to browse the internet.

6. Click Network > Internet (Add New Connection for Internet)

  • Mode: Route,
  • IP Protocol Mode: Ipv4, and select PPPoE,
  • Enable NAT: Select the radio button
  • Enable VLAN: Enable by selecting,
  • VLAN ID: Submit the ID provided by BSNL,
  • Username: Enter BSNL allocated FTTH username followed by
  • Password: password (default)
  • Service Name: BSNL or whichever you want,
  • IP Address: Provided your BSNL allocated IP address,
  • Port binding: Enable Port 1, Port2 and WLAN (SSID1) by selecting in each box
  • Click Save

7. Again Click Network > Internet for Voice Configuration

  • Connection name: Add a new wan connection,
  • Mode: Route,
  • IP Protocol Mode: Ipv4, and select Static,
  • Enable VLAN: Enable by selecting,
  • VLAN ID: 1830,
  • Provide your BSNL allocated IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS1, DNS2, provided by BSNL
  • Service Mode: Voice
  • Click Save

8. Click Application

  • Enable all services (FTP, h323, RTSP, IPsec, SIP, PPTP) in ALG configuration
  • Save/Apply

9. Click Application > VOIP

  • SIP registered address: (first 5 to be filled as
  • Select and Enable Outbound Proxy,
  • Enable Line 1 and enter the Account name, Account number, and Account password with the allotted BSNL FTTH phone number starting with 91 starting by removing 0
  • Click Save/Apply

10. Click Status
  • WAN Information info for both Voice and Internet facilities is enabled or not.
If you have any doubts about this configuration process for Netlink ONU, please do comment and get solved the queries/errors.

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